Plot Cluster Enrichments
Display cluster enrichments for gene GO terms.
stat_shown = c("qvalue", "p.adjust", "pvalue"),
nb_go_term = 3,
gradient_palette = colors_for_gradient("Ju1"),
label_fun = NULL,
term_order = NULL,
return_mat = FALSE,
floor = NULL
An object of class "ClusterSet".
A character string specifying the statistic to be shown. Must be one of "qvalue", "p.adjust", or "pvalue". Defaults to "qvalue".
An integer specifying the number of top GO terms to select per cluster. Defaults to 6. Note that some terms may be shared between clusters.
A vector of colors specifying the gradient palette for the color scale. Defaults to colors_for_gradient("Magma").
A function to customize the labels of the GO terms. Defaults to NULL.
A vector specifying the desired order of the GO terms. Defaults to NULL.
Logical. Do not return a ggplot object but the prepared matrix.
A value for flooring the statistic.
A ggplot object displaying the cluster enrichments for the GO terms.
#> |-- INFO : Dataset 8028226/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters_enr_sub was already loaded.