Commands from section 'sequence' --------------------------------- In this section we will require the following datasets: .. command-output:: gtftk get_example -q -d simple -f '*' :shell: get_tx_seq ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Get transcript sequences in fasta format. **Example:** Get sequences of transcripts in 5' to 3' orientation .. command-output:: gtftk get_tx_seq -g simple.fa -i simple.gtf | head -n 4 :shell: Note that the format is rather flexible and any combination of key can be exported to the header. .. command-output:: gtftk get_tx_seq -i simple.gtf -g simple.fa -l gene_id,transcript_id,feature,chrom,start,end,strand | head -n 2 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk get_tx_seq -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ get_feat_seq ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Get feature sequence (e.g exon, UTR...). **Example:** .. command-output:: gtftk get_feat_seq -i simple.gtf -g simple.fa -l feature,transcript_id,start -t exon -n | head -10 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk get_feat_seq -h :shell: