Commands from section 'miscellaneous' ------------------------------------- In this section we will require the following datasets: .. command-output:: gtftk get_example -q -d mini_real -f '*' :shell: .. command-output:: gtftk get_example -q -d simple -f '*' :shell: control_list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Returns a list of gene matched for expression based on reference values. Based on a reference gene list (or more generally IDs) this command tries to extract a set of other genes/IDs matched for signal/expression. The --reference-gene-file contains the list of reference IDs while the --inputfile contains a tuple gene/signal for all genes. **Example:** .. command-output:: gtftk control_list -i mini_real_counts_ENCFF630HEX.tsv -r mini_real_control_1.txt -D -V 2 -s -l -p 1 -ju -if example_13.png -pf png :shell: .. image:: _static/example_13.png :target: _static/example_13.png **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk control_list -h :shell: col_from_tab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Select columns from a tabulated file based on their names. **Example:** .. command-output:: gtftk select_by_key -t -i simple.gtf | gtftk tabulate -k '*' -x | gtftk col_from_tab -c transcript_id,gene_id :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk col_from_tab -h :shell: