Commands from section 'coordinates' ----------------------------------- In this section we will require the following datasets: .. command-output:: gtftk get_example -q -d simple -f '*' :shell: midpoints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Get the genomic midpoint of each feature: genes, transcripts, exons or introns. Output is currently in bed format only. **Example:** Get the midpoints of all transcripts and exons. .. command-output:: gtftk midpoints -i simple.gtf -t transcript,exon -n transcript_id,feature | head -n 5 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk midpoints -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ get_5p_3p_coords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Get the 5p or 3p coordinates for each feature (e.g TSS or TTS for a transcript). Output is bed format. **Example:** Get the 5p ends of transcripts and exons. .. command-output:: gtftk get_5p_3p_coords -i simple.gtf -t transcript,exon -n transcript_id,gene_id,feature | head -n 5 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk get_5p_3p_coords -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ intergenic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Extract intergenic regions. This command requires a chromInfo file to compute the bed file boundaries. The command will print the coordinates of genomic regions without transcript features. **Example:** Simply get intergenic regions. .. command-output:: gtftk intergenic -i simple.gtf -c simple.chromInfo :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk intergenic -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ intronic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Returns a bed file containing the intronic regions. If by_transcript is false (default), returns merged genic regions with no exonic overlap ("strict" mode). Otherwise, the intronic regions corresponding to each transcript are returned (may contain exonic overlap and redundancy). **Example:** Simply get intronic regions. .. command-output:: gtftk intronic -i simple.gtf | head -n 5 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk intronic -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ splicing_site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Compute the locations of donor and acceptor splice sites. This command will return a single position, which corresponds to the most 5' and/or the most 3' intronic region. If the gtf file does not contain exon numbering you can compute it using the add_exon_nb command. The score column of the bed file contains the number of the closest exon relative to the splice site. **Example:** .. command-output:: gtftk add_exon_nb -i simple.gtf -k exon_nbr | gtftk splicing_site -k exon_nbr| head :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk splicing_site -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ shift ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Shift coordinates in 3' or 5' direction. **Example:** .. command-output:: gtftk get_example| head -n 1 :shell: .. command-output:: gtftk shift -i simple.gtf -s -10 -c simple.chromInfo | head -n 1 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk shift -h :shell: