Commands from section 'conversion' ----------------------------------- In this section we will require the following datasets: .. command-output:: gtftk get_example -q -d simple -f '*' :shell: convert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** This command can be used to convert to various formats. Currently only a limited number is supported. * **bed**: classical bed6 format. * **bed6**: classical bed6 format. * **bed3**: bed3 format. **Example:** Get the gene features and convert them to bed6. .. command-output:: gtftk select_by_key -i simple.gtf -k feature -v gene | gtftk convert -n gene_id -f bed6| head -n 3 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk convert -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tabulate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Extract key/values from the GTF and convert them to tabulated format. When requesting coordinates they will be provided in 1-based format. **Example:** Simply get the list of transcripts and gene. .. command-output:: gtftk select_by_key -i simple.gtf -k feature -v transcript| gtftk tabulate -k gene_id,transcript_id -s "|" :shell: .. warning:: By default tabulate will discard any line for which one of the selected key is not defined. Use -x (--accept-undef) to print them. **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk tabulate -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bed_to_gtf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Convert a bed file to gtf-like format. **Example:** .. command-output:: gtftk convert -i simple.gtf | gtftk bed_to_gtf -t transcript | head -n 5 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk bed_to_gtf -h :shell: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ convert_ensembl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description:** Convert the GTF file to ensembl format. Essentially add 'transcript'/'gene' features. **Example:** Delete gene and transcript feature. Regenerate them. .. command-output:: gtftk select_by_key -i simple.gtf -k feature -v gene,transcript -n| gtftk convert_ensembl | gtftk select_by_key -k gene_id -v G0001 :shell: **Arguments:** .. command-output:: gtftk bed_to_gtf -h :shell: